
  1. Project IR Continues

    2021-07-25 22:07:28 UTC
    Today was a duller day after a week of blistering heat and blue skies; except for the odd thunderstorm that is.  So we set off for a walk and dodging showers.  I decided to go Infrared again to experiment across some watermeadows and the chalk down that lie to our…

  2. An Infra Red Diversion

    2021-07-02 10:22:01 UTC
    Those who follow this blog will know I have a slight side interest in infrared photography.  Mostly this relates to my main passion of photographing wildlife.  However, I do photograph other things too but don’t share much of that here.  These images are more landscape but I’m sharing them because…

  3. Roe Deer

    2021-06-26 11:44:51 UTC
    I have been seeing more roe deer in our woods recently.  From time to time one of these small deer pops out and then quickly disappears.  Today, I was standing quietly in the woods listening to the birds and one walked out onto the woodland path in front of me…

  4. Low Flying Kestrel

    2021-06-01 08:58:55 UTC
    Yesterday was the best day this year and the good weather had a local farmer out taking a cut of spring hay / silage.  This left a couple of fields trimmed down to the ground and in the afternoon the predators and scavengers (red kites, buzzards and kestrels) were to…

  5. Cheating…

    2021-05-28 17:16:32 UTC
    OK, so here’s the thing, a new lens was delivered this afternoon.  So I unwrapped it, stuck it on my camera and went out in the garden to try it out.  Here is one from the first burst I snatched. I wasn’t really trying and the light was low and…

  6. Just a bluetit

    2021-05-25 16:47:00 UTC
    I’m keeping this one simple.  A bluetit at the nest in an attractive tree.  I think this is a second brood but I didn’t want to disturb them or draw attention to what is a relatively busy site adjacent to a footpath.  The birds have enough to contend with this…

  7. Long winter but life is returning…

    2021-04-18 15:34:25 UTC
    The blog has been quiet for a few months but its feeling a bit more like spring today so here is a nuthatch from today to enjoy.  Taken in my local woodland. The bird was kind enough to strike a pose for me.  (More likely, it was keeping a wary…

  8. Local Patch

    2021-01-05 11:04:02 UTC
    2020 has shuffled its awkward way off stage to be replaced by a fresh, naive, and optimistic 2021 that, for us, has started by a reimposition of a ‘COVID Lockdown’.  Oh well!  Looking back, 2020 was a low point in photography for me but I didn’t entirely stop recording changes…

  9. Fungi and Lichen

    2020-11-07 21:10:56 UTC
    A quick shot from the daily walk today.  This spot is a regular spot for the honey fungus every autumn.  Normally, you only see the lichen.  But today it was an attractive combination in the autumn light This mini landscape seems curiously alien in its miniature aspect.  I think it’s…

  10. Green Elfcap

    2020-10-31 17:57:30 UTC
    This is just a a bit of a field curiosity.  Some days ago my wife spotted a bit of broken branch on the ground that was a curious colour and snapped a picture in the field because it was a vivid green-blue. We eventually found it in a guide book*…

  11. Stags & Bracken

    2020-10-15 12:21:14 UTC
    It’s now towards the end of the red deer rut in the UK and this morning looked like the weather might be fair.  Consequently I dashed up to Richmond Park through the morning rush hour to get there for just after dawn.  There is nothing quite like getting out of…

  12. Now, this is what I was after…

    2020-07-28 08:30:49 UTC
    After what is now approaching six weeks of trial, error and adjustment and try again, I finally got the photo of a fox in infrared ‘light’ last night.  The is the photo that I’d envisaged at the outset; the fox sliding gracefully under the fence with head slightly turned towards…

  13. In a quiet corner of a garden…

    2020-07-16 09:05:11 UTC
    … a young fox squeezes through a scrape under a fence to forage.  It can be a long process to get the photo you ‘visualised’ from a camera trap.  It’s partly about the animal behaving how you hoped and putting themselves in the right place and then being precisely in…

  14. A Shot in the Dark

    2020-07-11 10:58:50 UTC
    For a while I’ve wanted to experiment with photographing wildlife in dark.  Sure, you can use flashguns to light up your subject and I’ve done that.  Many, actually the vast majority of animals are not bothered by the quick flash of a camera flashgun; even when it’s two or three…

  15. Great Spotted Woodpeckers ready to fledge

    2020-06-01 15:40:04 UTC
    For  nearly three, weeks we have been watching a great spotted wood pecker nest that is just a few metres off a main trail along which we walk the dog.  It’s not the best nest to photograph as it’s a good 8m high and not as isolated as I’d normally…

  16. Spring Bunnies not Bears…

    2020-05-29 10:06:14 UTC
    Right now, I should be on my way to Canada to photograph grizzly bears in the far north west of British Columbia.  Obviously, due to a touch of the ‘pandemics’ I’m not and that’s going to have to wait for another year.  Consequently, yesterday I found myself at my usual…

  17. Playing with infrared light

    2020-05-16 17:27:04 UTC
    Word of warning, this post is a bit different from the normal stuff here and is a bit photo techy but hopefully most folk can still get something from it.   Some weeks ago I had my, somewhat underused, Nikon D7200 converted to Infrared photography for a project I had in…

  18. Garden Feeder

    2020-04-19 14:29:56 UTC
    I only very rarely photograph birds at the feeders in the garden. We actually have quite a few; five at the count today covering quite a range of foods.  The feeders are there to support the bird-life in the garden.  I note not wildlife because we discourage the grey squirrels…

  19. A fallen crab apple tree in bloom

    2020-04-12 14:51:02 UTC
    In the winter of 2018-19 a crab apple tree at the edge of ‘my’ (strictly speaking, not mine but you know what I mean) woods became a victim of a winter storm and was almost completely snapped near the base of the trunk.  Last year it did break into leaf…

  20. First Bluebell of Spring on Good Friday

    2020-04-10 13:28:28 UTC
    While out for a (COVID 19 rationed) daily constitutional at my local woods early this morning I caught sight of my first bluebell of the year.  It wasn’t there yesterday morning today it is; what a difference a day can make.  Bluebells are always a welcome sign and really makes…

  21. Super ‘Pink’ Moon

    2020-04-07 22:57:05 UTC
    The clouds cleared tonight and I got a good view on the Super ‘Pink’ Moon.  There is always something spectacular to photograph out there even if its a quarter of a million odd miles away from the garden and we are otherwise unable to potter about taking snaps.  Keep safe…

  22. Locked down or free to roam?

    2020-03-15 17:48:45 UTC
    The world has entered a strange place with COVID 19 / Corona Virus having taken a hold and closing off meetings / events / travel in a bid to contain or delay the spread of this unpleasant bug.  I and my colleagues are now officially mainly working at home in…

  23. Murmers of the new year in Avalon

    2019-12-30 23:04:45 UTC
    December 30th 2019 and we are knocking on the door at the end of the decade with this last post of the year The weather forecast yesterday suggested that, with a bit of luck, we might get a quiet day with the sun making an appearance.  By no means certain…

  24. Leopards don’t exist

    2019-11-26 10:54:49 UTC
    Notwithstanding the wildlife films you see on TV (it’s all made up yah know), I’ve come to the empirical conclusion that Leopards are mythical beasts and are not of this world.  They inhabit a parallel but intersecting universe to ours.  Occasionally, very occasionally, they can materialise in our time and…

  25. Contrast

    2019-11-17 15:13:33 UTC
    Two very different photos from today that rather summed up the quality of light at this time of year.  On one side of the large pond the light was reflecting off the open water and backlighting the subjects and on the other, everything was in strong shade with just a…