
  1. Growing activity and a photographer’s frustrations

    2017-02-06 19:36:00 UTC
    It’s early February and it’s noticeable that wildlife activity is picking up in the local woods and meadows.  The herons are beginning to reoccupy the best nest sites in the heronry, there is more birdsong, I’ve got blue tits occupying a nest box outside my bedroom window and I’m seeing…

  2. Feeding garden birds in the winter…

    2017-01-10 15:57:00 UTC
    Each year I put up feeders in the garden and endeavour to keep them topped up, especially through the cold spells and when I’m going to be away.  The garden has a strong ‘community’ of grey squirrels so I have to make sure I only use (expensive and sophisticated) “squirrel-proof”…

  3. Flying a Kite (& Happy Christmas)

    2016-12-24 17:43:00 UTC
    We are just past the shortest day and the sun stays frustratingly low (just 15 degrees at it’s highest right now) and correspondingly weak.  That makes for short daylight hours long shadows and mostly low shutter speeds!  When the sun comes out, you really do want to take advantage.   Many…

  4. Fallow morning

    2016-11-15 20:43:00 UTC
    On Monday I had to pay a visit to Leicester.  That’s a two and a half hour drive each way assuming the M3, M25 and M1 are actually moving.  However, it gave me the chance to drop by one of my favourite spots of Bradgate park just north of the…

  5. Wildcat?

    2016-11-11 18:49:00 UTC
    Well, let’s be honest, no.  These couple of pictures are not of a Wildcat but a common domestic cat.  This afternoon, I was out seeing if anything cropped up when I spotted this tabby moving quietly and stealthily on the opposite bank of the canal.  It was tracking several ducks…

  6. Brownsea Island

    2016-10-27 17:45:00 UTC
    I took the opportunity today of doing something I haven’t done before.  I went down to Brownsea Islan to watch and photograph Red Squirrels.  Autumn is firmly here and with it misty mornings, trees turning to russet and nuts galore.  Perfect for squirrels.   The challenge is, in the UK, our…

  7. Vultures - Critically Endangered…

    2016-10-18 08:47:00 UTC
    Last week I was finishing off the Botswana journey pages when I decided, really as a bit of an afterthought, to give Vultures their own gallery rather than just bundle them in with a number of other savannah birds.  My reason at the time was that they both made a…

  8. Botswana - now complete…

    2016-10-13 10:40:00 UTC
    It turned out to be a much greater undertaking than I’d intended but the section on the Botswana Journey is now (probably) complete.  It amounts to 29 galleries, some 90 species of animals and about 325 photos!   Quite a few further galleries have been added below the last blogged section…

  9. The big one…

    2016-10-06 13:41:00 UTC
    Well, I could avoid it no longer.  I just had to get the last of the ‘big 5’ onto the Botswana 2016 journey.  With over 1600 photos of Elephants, it was quite a task to select a representative sample.  I hope you enjoy these ones.  You can jump straight to…

  10. Lots more…

    2016-09-29 16:30:00 UTC
    It’s been a bit busy here both working but also trying to finish off the Botswana Trip.  So busy that I’ve not really been able to pick up a camera since my return.  So, since the last post you will find more galleries covering: Rollers, Warthogs, Buffalo, Storks, African Fish…

  11. Genets and Lions

    2016-09-25 18:03:00 UTC
    Momentum building again with a nocturnal Genet and near nocturnal Lions (two sets) making it onto the site today.  You can find then from the Botswana page here.  

  12. Photography Gear for an African Safari.

    2016-09-19 16:57:00 UTC
    Now, I’m not a veteran of the safari circuit.  One trip over 25 years ago and a second recently hardly qualifies.  Nevertheless, I have travelled quite a a lot with camera gear and I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the gear to take because of the both the…

  13. More Botswana…

    2016-09-19 12:04:00 UTC
    Over the weekend, I completed the sorting, sifting and tagging of my Botswana trip photos.  That means I can now find things quickly amongst the several thousand remaining images.  So the pace of posting to the Journey page here has speeded up.  I’ve just added sections on Leopards, Kingfishers and…

  14. Jewel of the Delta

    2016-09-09 15:44:00 UTC
    While I was trying to sort through some thousands of photos and get them into some semblance of order, I couldn’t resist putting up this post.   Here are a couple of Malachite Kingfishers.  These are really small birds, about 14cm long.  That makes then quite a bit smaller than our…

  15. ‘Journeys’ - a new section for the site

    2016-09-07 18:46:00 UTC
    I’ve just added a new section to the site menus that allows me to better publish collected photos from different journeys.  Only one journey (Botswana Safari 2016) for the moment but I’ll be adding a good many photos to that trip over coming weeks.  

  16. Botswana 2016…

    2016-09-06 13:51:00 UTC
    I’ve just got back this morning from a 17 day trip to Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe.  Most of the time we spent on an extended safari through the Okavango region of Botswana.  A quite extraordinary journey and a real eye-opener.   As I am now faced with something of a…

  17. Ratty?

    2016-08-17 09:08:00 UTC
    Well no, if you love the Wind in The Willows, Ratty the water rat was actually a water vole.  These are pretty hard to find now in the UK but you can see a picture of one here.  But the rat featured here is a true rat.  The brown rat…

  18. Colour or Monochrome?

    2016-08-11 21:03:00 UTC
    I’ve been out again photographing herons along the canal… But this time I thought I’d post something different.   Herons are striking monochrome birds; pretty much that is apart from those striking yellow eyes. I decided to process some in black and white.  Take your pick.  I find it quite difficult…

  19. Moorhen vs Crayfish

    2016-08-05 16:02:00 UTC
    I was out today, ostensibly looking for herons, when I came across something that I’d never seen before… Yes, a common-a-garden moorhen carrying a (dead) crayfish. The moorhen took the crayfish to a slightly submerged log where it tried to make a meal of it before deciding an exposed and…

  20. Heron stalking

    2016-08-03 18:21:00 UTC
    Herons are a bit of a reoccurring theme for me.  I’ve many photos of nesting herons and flying herons but few decent photos of herons stalking and hunting except at a substantial distance.  The reason is pretty simple.  These may be big birds and they are noisy and bold with…

  21. The Puffins of Skomer Island

    2016-07-15 23:07:00 UTC
    I’ve just got back from Skomer Island.  Now, Skomer Island has been on my ‘must visit’ list for some time.  At the start of this year I put it firmly on the ‘this year list’ but it had to be in nesting time for the puffins.  Prime time is June…

  22. Watching Kingfishers

    2016-07-11 11:33:00 UTC
    Kingfishers are stunningly beautiful but elusive birds.  About the most you can usually hope for is a sight of small electric blue bird perched at a distance.  Often as not, you might just see no more than the streak of that blue as you accidentally startle one while you walk…

  23. Sparrowhawk update.

    2016-07-08 21:48:00 UTC
    It turned out I’d rather underestimated how close the sparrowhawk chicks were to fledging.  Although sporting quite a lot of down then spent a lot of time preening and there were clouds of down being pulled out and floating about.  Within a day of first seeing them, two of the…

  24. Sparrowhawk - short video clip

    2016-07-05 10:16:00 UTC
    An experiment that I thought I’d share.  This is a slight departure from my still photography, I tried a little video work with my DSLR (Nikon D500).  Reason being that this nest is quite obscured but a fair bit of action goes on in the nest and I wanted to…

  25. Sparrowhawk nesting…

    2016-07-03 14:12:00 UTC
    I’ve had a suspicion that we had a pair of sparrowhawks nesting in a particular area of woodland nearby.  Mainly because I’d had several sightings in this one particular area.  A week ago I spent a couple of hours watching the area but, though I saw an adult bird I…