Sparrowhawk - short video clip
July 5, 2016An experiment that I thought I’d share. This is a slight departure from my still photography, I tried a little video work with my DSLR (Nikon D500). Reason being that this nest is quite obscured but a fair bit of action goes on in the nest and I wanted to see how it looked on video. Well, you can see what’s going on and you might just spot four chicks appear during the clip though two are very fleeting. The tree swaying is also a feature - doesn’t seem to bother the birds a bit.
Curiously, when shooting at extremes with a long lens the video seems to work better as you don’t need to fill the frame so much and the movement better defines what’s going on. Also, video doesn’t demand such a high shutter speed to freeze action so that gives much more latitude with exposure (lower ISO).